Registered in England & Wales. Company registration number: 8751322. Kensington House, 3 Kensington, Mitchells Grievson Chartered Acc, Bishop Auckland DL14 6HX
Type of Medical
Date and Time of Appointment
Name of Person Attending
Terms Failed to attends, once appointment is confirmed, without at least 48 hours notice before appointment time will be charged 100%.
Pay Now If you pay for your medical beforehand online, you can save time at no extra cost. Please click on “Pay Now” to pay using your card and enter your details.  If you are paying for someone else’s medical, please ensure you include Name of the person attending, Date and Time of the medical so we can match up your payment.
Medicals Plus Ltd The Axis Building Maingate Team Valley Gateshead NE11 0NQ
Tel: 0191 404 6808 Fax: 0191 404 6801 E-mail: